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Why Don't They Make Movies Like Animal House Anymore

Why Don't They Make Movies Like Animal House Anymore

What Happened to the Comedy Movie Genre?

Before anyone chimes in that I'thousand old, or accept gotten older I realize that. But there's much more than to practise this than me outgrowing or aging out of humor in 2022.

The movie industry has entirely changed. From what I understand studios mainly produce blockbusters or lower budget films. Where comedies used to fall in budget (ex: 40 mil) are at present much less in demand. Obviously indie films are as popular as e'er, and streaming services are producing their own content also.

But take a look at these names and go check their IMDB pages for the final comedy they made that you personally would consider adept...

Will Ferrell
Vince Vaughn
Owen Wilson
Ben Stiller
Mike Meyers
Jonah Hill
Seth Rogan
James Franco
Steve Carrell
Jack Black
Ed Helms
Jason Segal
Paul Rudd

These are simply some names off the superlative of my head. You'll discover they all either left the genre completely behind, or they've done nothing of great note in the genre for probably at to the lowest degree 5 years. Even the ones that however do comedic roles either take transitioned into more serious piece of work in betwixt, and/or their comedy output is a crush of information technology's former self.

Now some might say that these guys anile out of the genre. Ok, I suppose that's fair. But I do call up it'southward foreign how many of them all seemed to historic period out if it at the same time.

These are the guys I would consider to exist the bankable stars to headline a comedy moving picture in the last twenty years. So my question is, who has replaced them? Who are some of the newer heavyweights in comedy films? Are at that place whatever?

I'll stop rambling here shortly. I think I've already answered my own question (studios won't pay to produce comedies any more, and there are no new "heavyweights" in comedy films) but I just remember this is such a bummer.

I'yard certain like many of yous I grew up with peachy movies in this genre. Renting and/or watching comedy movies was a routine occurence in my life for a long, long time. From Animate being House, to Caddy Shack, to Vacation, to Revenge of the Nerds, to Waynes World, Tommy Male child, Happy Gilmore, Old, School, Step Brothers.... Hell, I even gobbled up movies like The Goods and She's Out of Your League.

I love comedy movies. I miss them. Bring them back delight.

Hollywood realized comedic perfection was achieved with the release of Joe Dirt, and therefore at that place was no reason to try anymore?

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

It'south transitioned into more women comedians.

Melissa McCarthy and such.

I don't find the movies very good.

It has zilch to do with women being in them either.

They're only not written very well.

[Image: 51209558878_91a895e0bb_m.jpg]

(04-27-2022, 09:45 PM)jfkbengals Wrote: Hollywood realized comedic perfection was achieved with the release of Joe Dirt, and therefore in that location was no reason to try anymore?

One of my favorites.

-Joe Dirt - "It's pronounced Dir'te"

Dennis Miller character - "Don't endeavor to church it upward."

(04-27-2022, 09:02 PM)Wes Mantooth Wrote: Before anyone chimes in that I'm old, or accept gotten older I realize that.  But there'south much more to do this than me outgrowing or aging out of humor in 2022.

The pic industry has entirely changed.  From what I understand studios mainly produce blockbusters or lower upkeep films.  Where comedies used to fall in budget (ex: xl mil) are now much less in need.  Evidently indie films are every bit popular as ever, and streaming services are producing their own content as well.

But accept a look at these names and go check their IMDB pages for the terminal comedy they made that yous personally would consider good...

Volition Ferrell
Vince Vaughn
Owen Wilson
Ben Stiller
Mike Meyers
Jonah Hill
Seth Rogan
James Franco
Steve Carrell
Jack Black
Ed Helms
Jason Segal
Paul Rudd

These are just some names off the height of my caput.  You'll find they all either left the genre completely backside, or they've done nothing of nifty notation in the genre for probably at least five years.  Even the ones that still do comedic roles either have transitioned into more serious work in betwixt, and/or their comedy output is a shell of it's former self.

Now some might say that these guys aged out of the genre.  Ok, I suppose that'southward fair.  But I do think information technology'south strange how many of them all seemed to age out if it at the aforementioned fourth dimension.

These are the guys I would consider to exist the bankable stars to headline a one-act moving picture in the last twenty years.  So my question is, who has replaced them?  Who are some of the newer heavyweights in one-act films?  Are there any?

I'll cease rambling hither before long.  I remember I've already answered my own question (studios won't pay to produce comedies any more, and there are no new "heavyweights" in comedy films) merely I just think this is such a bummer.

I'm sure similar many of you I grew upwardly with great movies in this genre.  Renting and/or watching one-act movies was a routine occurence in my life for a long, long time.  From Animal House, to Caddy Shack, to Vacation, to Revenge of the Nerds, to Waynes Earth, Tommy Boy, Happy Gilmore, Sometime, School, Step Brothers....  Hell, I fifty-fifty gobbled upward movies like The Goods and She'south Out of Your League.

I honey one-act movies.  I miss them.  Bring them back please.

So I have a couple thoughts on why this trend is happening.

I may be totally wrong simply it is just a approximate.

one) Covid in the past two years has made everything suck, so information technology is hard to gauge the virtually recent years but prior to that....

two) The comedy genre is getting hammered down due to the politically correct move. Non trying to get political only literally a ton of my favorite movies similar Animal House, Revenge of the Nerds, Blazing Saddles, etc... you just couldn't make in today'south earth. Information technology would become close downward in a split 2nd for existence insensitive, not inclusive enough, etc.

3) The diversity of platforms. Netflix, Hulu, Prime Movies, Disney, etc. There are some hidden gems out there amongst these streaming platforms, but they aren't getting the mainstream button like you would come across when everything was in the theater years ago. An example is movie 43 on Netflix, it is similar a modern twenty-four hours Kentucky Fried Movie.

Finally, is that the landscape shifted. The superhero movies are king right now, and that is where the money is at. Take Deadpool for example, it is a superhero motion picture but at the aforementioned time I would phone call it a comedy as it makes me laugh even so when I watch information technology.

Anyways, those would exist my sort of thoughts on what has happened to the one-act earth.

[Image: bengals08-1-800small.jpg]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

(04-27-2022, 10:29 PM)Murdock2420 Wrote: Then I accept a couple thoughts on why this trend is happening.

I may be totally wrong only it is just a guess.

1) Covid in the past ii years has fabricated everything suck, so it is hard to judge the most recent years but prior to that....

2) The one-act genre is getting hammered down due to the politically correct move. Not trying to become political but literally a ton of my favorite movies like Creature Business firm, Revenge of the Nerds, Blazing Saddles, etc... you only couldn't make in today'south world. Information technology would get shut down in a split second for beingness insensitive, non inclusive enough, etc.

three) The variety of platforms. Netflix, Hulu, Prime number Movies, Disney, etc. There are some subconscious gems out there amongst these streaming platforms, but they aren't getting the mainstream push button similar you would see when everything was in the theater years ago. An example is movie 43 on Netflix, information technology is similar a mod day Kentucky Fried Movie.

Finally, is that the landscape shifted. The superhero movies are king right at present, and that is where the coin is at. Accept Deadpool for example, it is a superhero moving picture but at the aforementioned time I would call information technology a comedy every bit information technology makes me express mirth still when I lookout it.

Anyways, those would exist my sort of thoughts on what has happened to the one-act world.

I'd say this is a pretty good have.  Comedy has taken a beating for probably the concluding 15 years in all honesty.  It just doesn't generate the acquirement the studios want to come across.  And a lot of the actors who were doing those movies either tired of them to some extent or just wanted to try something unlike.  In an age where awards hateful and then much and actors seem to hate being typecast at present more than e'er, in that location is just less entreatment from audiences, studios and actors to make information technology work.

I'd besides say that because the window of appeal is and so much smaller, the signal about streaming services carries weight every bit well.  Most of the sitcoms I've seen on Netflix for case are awful.  The combo of action, comedy and drama is where people are putting their attention from a production standpoint.  Whether or not you like Marvel movies, the fact remains that a motion-picture show like Guardians of the Galaxy checks all the boxes; funny, action-packed, a fiddling introspective, smashing soundtrack, etc.  Those actors feel like they're encompassing and so much more than Will Farrell forever playing the homo-kid.

(04-27-2022, 11:33 PM)MileHighGrowler Wrote: I'd say this is a pretty practiced take.  Comedy has taken a beating for probably the last 15 years in all honesty.  It just doesn't generate the revenue the studios desire to see.  And a lot of the actors who were doing those movies either tired of them to some extent or only wanted to try something different.  In an historic period where awards hateful so much and actors seem to detest beingness typecast now more than ever, in that location is just less appeal from audiences, studios and actors to make information technology piece of work.

I'd also say that because the window of appeal is so much smaller, the betoken about streaming services carries weight besides.  Well-nigh of the sitcoms I've seen on Netflix for instance are atrocious.  The combo of activeness, comedy and drama is where people are putting their attention from a production standpoint.  Whether or not you like Marvel movies, the fact remains that a moving-picture show like Guardians of the Galaxy checks all the boxes; funny, activeness-packed, a petty introspective, great soundtrack, etc.  Those actors feel similar they're encompassing then much more than than Volition Farrell forever playing the human being-kid.

I concord a lot of the sitcoms on Netflix aren't great merely I'll requite credit to the Coiffure with Kevin James. It was decent.

[Image: bengals08-1-800small.jpg]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

not immune to be funny anymore information technology offends people

(04-27-2022, 11:48 PM)Murdock2420 Wrote: I agree a lot of the sitcoms on Netflix aren't great but I'll give credit to the Crew with Kevin James. It was decent.

I couldn't make it through the offset episode.  Maybe I need to give it another try.

(04-28-2022, xi:03 AM)MileHighGrowler Wrote: I couldn't make it through the beginning episode.  Maybe I need to give it another try.

It is decent not great... perhaps the lack of expert.options lowered my stance. I will say it seemed to go better into the season but every bit I really think about information technology, information technology was funny moments over all around funny probably.

[Image: bengals08-1-800small.jpg]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

its not just the movies either have y'all watched any of the tardily nights lately?

I'd say information technology's a combination of everything. One-act is really hard likewise pull off to begin with. And with the Frat pack aging out, and the younger ones more focused on behind the camera work (Rogen and Franco for example) there's no real next group of mainstay comedic actors. The blending of the genres besides hurts, every bit some of the most contempo funny(ish) movies were billed as action movies first. Comedy is often presented in the quips and 1 liners in other big blockbusters.

And yep, people become older. Even some movies I thought were funny 15/20 years ago are more snortworthy than laugh out loud worthy every bit time goes on.

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

(04-27-2022, 09:02 PM)Wes Mantooth Wrote: Just accept a await at these names and get check their IMDB pages for the last comedy they made that you personally would consider adept...

Funny - Really Good? I'll list the terminal movie i institute funny and the final good comedy

Will Ferrell - Daddy's Dwelling/Get Hard (2015) - Megamind (2010) - Pace Brothers (2008) *Live-action

Vince Vaughn - Freaky (2022) * actually very good before that Wedding Crashers (2005)

Owen Wilson - The Internship (2013) - Wedding Crashers (2005)

Ben Stiller - The Watch (2012) - Tropic Thunder/Republic of madagascar 2 (2008) --> Recently he was in the Meyerowitz Stories which I liked but was non a comedy and his cameo in the shitty motion picture Hubie Halloween was fantastic.

Mike Meyers - Shrek in general (2010) - Austin Powers Trilogy (2002) * live activeness. Personally he's just had 3 hits, I married an Axe Murderer, Waynes Globe, and Austin Powers. Though they are all and then damn practiced.

Jonah Colina - 22 Spring Street (2014) - 21 Jump Street (2012)

Seth Rogan - This is the End (2013) - Pineapple Express (2008) *Top Rogen

James Franco - The Disaster Artist (2017)

Steve Carrell - Crazy, Stupid, Love (2011) *if y'all count RomComs otherwise - The xl Twelvemonth Sometime Virgin (2005)

Jack Black - The New Jumanji (2022) *He's i of the highlights - Some mixture of Kung Fu Panda/Bernie/The Polka King, which is independent or animated stuff

Ed Helms - Tag (2022) - Cedar Rapids/The Hangover Two (2011) - I don't really like Ed helms much

Jason Segel - This is the End (2013) - Forgetting Sarah Marshall (2008) *Peak Segel outside of HiMYM

Paul Rudd - Ant-Man and the Wasp (2022) *Legit great, merely before that series Knocked Upwards (2008) - I accept high hopes for Ghostbusters: Afterlife

My list for those guys. Now I can relish a good shitty comedy. Like Vince Vaugh in the Internship. I love watching that pic. I savor it a lot despite information technology being crap. But is information technology a groovy comedy? Non even close.

I need more than comedy. One-act is what I sentinel when I can't sleep, if I'm sick, or if I simply want to kill myself.

[Image: cbfgsigfin.png]

(04-27-2022, 10:29 PM)Murdock2420 Wrote: ii) The comedy genre is getting hammered down due to the politically right move. Non trying to get political simply literally a ton of my favorite movies like Animate being Business firm, Revenge of the Nerds, Blazing Saddles, etc... y'all simply couldn't make in today's earth. It would get shut down in a split second for existence insensitive, not inclusive enough, etc.

Well I havent seen Animal House in a long time, just

"We got bush!" and "The Sheriff is (Bell sounds) Hilarious

[Image: cbfgsigfin.png]

(04-28-2022, 01:xiv PM)Murdock2420 Wrote: It is decent not great... maybe the lack of good.options lowered my stance. I will say it seemed to get better into the flavour only as I really call back well-nigh information technology, it was funny moments over all around funny probably.

It's honestly terrible, just I accept a Adam Sandler and coiffure sized hole in my centre that is never filled so I just keep watching episodes.

I was looking for a pic thread but didn't see i so I'll just add it here since it's listed as a RomCom. I'm watching this tonight:

[Image: MV5BMzdmY2I3MmEtOGFiZi00MTg1LWIxY2QtNWUw...@._V1_.jpg]

[Image: cbfgsigfin.png]

(05-13-2022, 04:22 AM)CarolinaBengalFanGuy Wrote: My list for those guys. Now I can enjoy a adept shitty comedy. Like Vince Vaugh in the Internship. I love watching that movie. I savor information technology a lot despite information technology being crap. Only is it a groovy comedy? Non even close.

I need more comedy. Comedy is what I watch when I can't sleep, if I'm ill, or if I merely desire to kill myself.

just go along watching Grandma'due south Male child / Beer Fest   lol those are my get to

(04-27-2022, 10:29 PM)Murdock2420 Wrote: Then I have a couple thoughts on why this tendency is happening.

I may be totally wrong but it is just a estimate.

i) Covid in the past two years has made everything suck, and so information technology is difficult to estimate the about contempo years just prior to that....

2) The one-act genre is getting hammered down due to the politically correct movement. Non trying to get political just literally a ton of my favorite movies like Animate being Business firm, Revenge of the Nerds, Blazing Saddles, etc... you simply couldn't make in today's world. Information technology would get shut downwardly in a carve up second for existence insensitive, non inclusive enough, etc.

iii) The diversity of platforms. Netflix, Hulu, Prime Movies, Disney, etc. At that place are some hidden gems out there amongst these streaming platforms, but they aren't getting the mainstream push similar y'all would encounter when everything was in the theater years ago. An example is moving picture 43 on Netflix, it is similar a modern day Kentucky Fried Pic.

Finally, is that the landscape shifted. The superhero movies are king right at present, and that is where the money is at. Take Deadpool for example, it is a superhero movie but at the same time I would phone call information technology a one-act equally information technology makes me express joy notwithstanding when I watch it.

Anyways, those would exist my sort of thoughts on what has happened to the comedy globe.

Murdock and Xeno nailed it. I do love Tucker and Dale vs Evil, 1 of the few comedies of our day and Grabbers.

But the politically correct movement is the reason one-act has died. Everyone is offended by everything now a days.

Thin skinned millennials who don't know how to laugh at anything has killed one-act. Seinfeld fifty-fifty says and so.

Bad Trip is amazing. Check it out if you haven't already.

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

(05-13-2022, 04:xviii PM)Nate (formerly eliminate08) Wrote: Murdock and Xeno nailed it. I do love Tucker and Dale vs Evil, ane of the few comedies of our mean solar day and Grabbers.

But the politically correct movement is the reason comedy has died. Everyone is offended by everything now a days.

Thin skinned millennials who don't know how to laugh at anything has killed comedy. Seinfeld even says so.

Yes, it is truly sad.

Also, Tucker and Dale vs Evil is absolutely amazing. First time I watched it, I was like what pile of crap was that!??! At present that I've seen in multiple times, I'chiliad like this is brilliant and funny.

I also like Bill Burr'south stand-upwards since he literally goes out of his style to piss off the P.C. crowd with a total I don't give a damn attitude.

[Image: bengals08-1-800small.jpg]

[Image: 4CV0TeR.png]

(04-28-2022, 10:40 AM)XenoMorph Wrote: not allowed to be funny anymore it offends people


[Image: pbs-at-night3.png]

Why Don't They Make Movies Like Animal House Anymore




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