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Showing posts from April, 2022

Animation Mentor Character Animation Program Class 5 Advanced Acting

Animation Mentor Character Animation Program Class 5 Advanced Acting That's all folks! 18 months, came and went at lightening speed! It is hard to believe that information technology is already over. I had such an astonishing experience attending Animation Mentor. I met so many inspiring people and was fortunate to learn from the best in the industry. Animators from the most respected studios effectually the globe. Each and every mentor I had brought new and unique views to the fine art of animation. I learned more than in this last year and half about animation as fine art but also as an industry that I ever imagined. If you have been post-obit my blog from the beginning then you saw as we started with the most basic of exercises the "bouncing brawl" and as I progressed through the programme we finally finished with multiple graphic symbol acting sh

Why Don't They Make Movies Like Animal House Anymore

Why Don't They Make Movies Like Animal House Anymore What Happened to the Comedy Movie Genre? Posts: 4,540 Threads: 204 Reputation: 43688 Joined:May 2015 Mood: None

